Tesco now sells fruits and vegetables in 100% recyclable packaging

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by KnowESG,

Tesco PLC

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Tesco's own brand fruit and vegetable products are now 100% recyclable. The company is the first in the country to offer a category of greener products. Tesco's packaging will be fully recyclable by 2025. Tesco uses the 4R (Remove, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) packaging strategy in this category, and some products are sold without packaging.

The change itself concerns products sold in packaging in the fruit and vegetable category. One of the primary reasons for packing fruits and vegetables is to keep them fresh and in good condition, thereby reducing food waste. Other practical benefits for the customer include protection against mechanical damage, convenience when shopping, and the ability to purchase products without weighing. Traditional over-the-counter fruits and vegetables are another example of Tesco's 4R packaging strategy - Remove, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. The price is unaffected by the new packaging.

In relation to the 4R strategy, Tesco's long-term use of reusable green crates for fruit and vegetable distribution is also noteworthy. They are 100% recyclable and reusable, resulting in no packaging waste.

Product packaging in this category has been designed in accordance with national regulations on material recyclability, which means that customers can dispose of used product packaging in a sustainable manner if they use the appropriate sorted waste containers.

"I am pleased that we currently have three complete categories of Tesco products in 100% recyclable packaging - detergents, noodles, pasta and rice, and now fresh fruit and vegetables. The category of fresh food has its own specifics compared to others. Where possible, we replaced the packaging with paper or removed it completely. We will continue to fulfill our ambitions and this year customers can expect new fully recyclable packaging for other categories," 

says Erik Šiatkovský, commercial director of Tesco in Slovakia.

Source: Tesco news


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