3M Initiates Plans to Exit PFAS Manufacturing by 2025

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by KnowESG,

MMM Company (3M)

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3M has said it will stop making per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and work to stop using them in all of its products by the end of 2025.

3M's decision was made after a lot of thought and a careful look at how the outside world is changing. This includes several factors, such as speeding up regulatory trends to reduce PFAS in the environment and the changing expectations of stakeholders.

"This is a moment that demands the kind of innovation 3M is known for," said 3M chairman and chief executive officer Mike Roman. "While PFAS can be safely made and used, we also see an opportunity to lead in a rapidly evolving external regulatory and business landscape to make the greatest impact for those we serve. This action is another example of how we are positioning 3M for continued sustainable growth by optimising our portfolio, innovating for our customers, and delivering long-term value for our shareholders."

The company will:

Stop making all PFAS products by the end of 2025: 3M will stop making all fluoropolymers, fluorinated fluids, and PFAS-based additives. It will help facilitate an orderly transition for customers. 3M intends to fulfil its current contractual obligations during the transition period.

Work to discontinue the use of PFAS across our product portfolio by the end of 2025: Through ongoing research and development, the company has already cut down on its use of PFAS over the past three years, and it will keep coming up with new ways to help customers.

With these two actions, 3M is committing to innovate toward a world less dependent on PFAS. Its products are safe for their intended uses. The company will continue to clean up PFAS and deal with lawsuits by defending itself in court or coming to a settlement through negotiations, depending on what is best.

For more regulatory news

Source: 3M


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